nome . name . Jessica Angiulli
paese . location . Milano, Italy
studi . background . Foreign Languages Highschool / Illustration school, scuola Arte e Messaggio del Castello Sforzesco, Milano (attending subsidiary courses in children illustration book and contemporary art as well).
servizi . services . editorial illustration, book and magazine illustrations and covers, poster artworks, pattern design and paper industry designs.
programmi . software . photoshop, illustrator, indesign.
altre tecniche . other media . mixed media, acrylic, oil pastels, collage, photography, modelling clay.
altre attività . additional activities . original mixed media sculptures-paintings and handmade mixed media jewelry (available on my shop or upon request)
For looking more commissioned work, client list, competitions/exhibition list and for freelance hiring you can also visit our studio main website Diramazioni illustration.
Interview on Dpi magazine
DPI magazine vol. 154 (2007) featuring my 6 pages interview including both some Diramazioni works and my personal ones. This issue dedicates a section to “Dark illustration” and includes great artists as Santiago Caruso, Carne Griffiths, Joanna Concejo…
Featured in “Design stars boulevard” book
“Orientamento” for exhibition
selected for the international exhibition “Cómo la ve? realidad gráfica” 2008, organized by UDI (University of graphic design of Bucaramanga, Colombia), published in the catalogue. http://www.flickr.com/photos/comolave
Sparkle the Dark Up! My illustration on the Design Museum building
On 2 December 2011 my “Azure Eggs Tree” illustration appeared projected on the Design Museum building, London (6pm – 10pm). Design Museum, Shad Thames, London SE1 2YD
Thanks to the House of Illustration which contacted me via flickr.
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